Mediation Rates
Mediation fees are divided by the number of people present unless agreed otherwise. The fee for mediation is $150 per hour. For example, a three hour mediation between two people would cost $225.00 for each person. For larger groups, there may be additional charges. All charges are due by the day of service.
Mediation Initiation
Mediation Initiation
This is charged per person for initial intake, interviewing, and case development.
Mediation Planning and Travel
This is charged at $450 for a 3-hour session, usually divided between participants. Additional time or sessions are charged at $150 per hour, usually divided between participants.
This is charged at $75 per hour per person.
For up to 30 people.
Charged per hour.
For advance interviewing, planning, and travel.
Charged per hour.
Payment is accepted by cash, check, Venmo, or PayPal
Facilitation Rates
Rates will be higher for more than 30 people.

Training Rates
Trainings are charged by the hour and number of participants. Contact us for training rates. Training planning and travel will be charged at half the hourly rate. For new trainings, there will be additional charges for training development.
Coaching Rates
Charged per hour.
Charged per hour.

For more information on rates or to schedule an appointment,
please call, text, or email us. See our contact information below.

Contact Information
Contact Information
Give us a call. We can help.
Empowered Communication
PO Box 269
Yakima, Washington 98907
(509) 654-6379
(509) 830-5351